Comparing the given equation with the equation
we have
"A=1, B=0, C=x, D=0, E=0, F=0, G=0"
The discriminant is
The given equation is elliptic for all "x>0."
The characteristic equations are given by
Integrating these two equations, we get
"iy+\\dfrac{2}{3}x\\sqrt{x}=c_1" and "-iy+\\dfrac{2}{3}x\\sqrt{x}=c_2"
Assume that
Introducing the transformations "\\alpha=\\dfrac{1}{2}(\\xi+\\eta)" and "\\beta=\\dfrac{1}{2i}(\\xi-\\eta)," we obtain
The transformed equation is obtained by first computing
"\\bar{F}=F=0\\ and\\ \\bar{G}=G=0"
Substitute in the following equation
Thus, canonical form of the given partial differential equation is
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