Solution. Find the roots using bisector method.
Find two points such that a < b and f(a)* f(b) < 0.
Find the midpoint of a and b, point m
If f(m) = 0 (m is root of the equation); else follow the next step
1) Divide the interval [a, b]
2) If f(m)*f(b) <0, let a =m
3) Else if f(m) *f(a), let b = m
Repeat steps until f(m) = 0 or relative error is below 0.05%.
Let a=4 and b=6
As result first root is x1=5.
Let a=0 and b=2
As result second root is x2=1.
Let a=-2.5 and b=-1.5
As result third root is x3=-2.
Let a=-1.5 and b=-0.5
For the eleventh iteration approximate percent relative error is below 0.05%. Therefore the fourth root is
Answer. x1=5; x2=1; x3=-2; x4=-1.3335.
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