A set P is said to be a basis of a vector space if :
a) P is linearly independent set and
b) P is a spanning set of vector space.
Given that A is a linearly independent set.
To show that A is a basis, we need only prove that A is a spanning set of R3.
Let x∈R3 is an arbitrary vector.
To prove that A is a spanning set of R3, we will prove that there exist x1,x2,x3
This is equivalent to having a solution
x=[x1, x2, x3]-1 to the matrix equation
Ay=x,where A=[b1,b2,b3] is the 3×3 matrix whose column vectors are b1,b2,b3
Since the vector b1, b2, b3 are linearly independent, the matrix A is nonsingular.
It follows that the equation Ay=x has the unique solution y=A-1x
Hence x is a linear combination of the vectors in A.
This means that A is a spanning set of R3
Hence, A is a basis.
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