Denote by "C_1" and "C_2" vectors of prices in a shop and in the market respectively. Then
Let "Q" denotes vector of amounts needed for Mr.Akpalu. Then
Then the total price he pays equals to "Q(C_i)"
Thus the difference between total prices in 2 shops equals to
"\\begin{pmatrix}\n 3 & 10 & 1\n\\end{pmatrix}\\bigg(\\begin{pmatrix}\n 20 \\\\\n 10 \\\\\n6\n\\end{pmatrix}-\\begin{pmatrix}\n 15 \\\\\n 8 \\\\\n6\n\\end{pmatrix}\\bigg)"
"\\begin{pmatrix}\n 3 & 10 & 1\n\\end{pmatrix}\\begin{pmatrix}\n 5 \\\\\n 2 \\\\\n0\n\\end{pmatrix}=3(5)+10(2)+1(0)=35"
Since travelling to local market costs € 25 net savings equals to
The net saving of Mr.Akpalu is € 10.
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