First, we consider that D = m and D' = 1 to find the characteristic equation and then we find out the type of equation or case that we need to solve:
(D²-2DD'+D'²)z=(m² - 2m + 1)z = cos y - x*sin y
Then, from m² - 2m + 1 = 0 = (m - 1)², this means that m1 = m2 = 1 the complementary solution has the form
Zcomplementary = f1(y+x) + x*f2(y+x)
The general solution is found by analyzing the particular integral PI and using c = y + x to find the complete solution on this integral (that has an auxiliary equation with repeated root) we find:
"PI=\\frac{1}{D^2-2DD' + D\u00b4^2}\\int (cos\\,y\\,-xsin\\,y)"
"P.I.= \\frac{1}{(D-D\u00b4)^2} \\int (\\int (cos\\,(c-x)\\,-xsin\\,(c-x)) dx)dx"
"PI = xsin(c-x)-3cos(c-x)=xsiny-3cosy"
Thus, the complete solution for Z is the sum of the complementary and the particular solution:
"Z = f_1(y+x)+xf_2(y+x)+xsiny-3cosy"
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