Charles' law states that, for an ideal gas at a constant pressure, — = k, where V (liters), T (degrees Kelvin) and k is a constant (lit/°K). What does this model tell us?
Expert's answer
This model tells us that a gas expands as the temperature increases the gas also expands and so an increase in volume.
Assignment expert is indeed a professional, theirs are answers are
very condensed, and very good for fetching the marks but difficult to
understand. I wish it can be slightly lighter so that we do not just
copy for mark but can understand it and practice it as well. Thank
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Assignment expert is indeed a professional, theirs are answers are very condensed, and very good for fetching the marks but difficult to understand. I wish it can be slightly lighter so that we do not just copy for mark but can understand it and practice it as well. Thank you.
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