Prove that
Δφ(ξ) = - |ξ|^(2) (φ-hat)(ξ), ξ∈R^n,
for all φ in S, where
Δ = Σ (∂^2)/(∂x^2)
j=1 j
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There should be a hat over Δφ at the beginning of the question.
Also, the equation after the word "where", the n should be on top of
Σ and the j=1 near the end should be below Σ, and j at the very end
should be a bottom power to x in this part: (∂x^2).
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Dear Rachel, thank you for a clarification.
There should be a hat over Δφ at the beginning of the question. Also, the equation after the word "where", the n should be on top of Σ and the j=1 near the end should be below Σ, and j at the very end should be a bottom power to x in this part: (∂x^2).
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