Prove that the series ∞n=1 n^n/n! diverges
By the Inequality of arithmetic and geometric means we have:
"\\sqrt{1\\cdot (n-1)}\\leq n\/2" or "1\\cdot (n-1)\\leq (n\/2)^2"
"\\sqrt{2\\cdot (n-2)}\\leq n\/2" , or "2\\cdot (n-2)\\leq (n\/2)^2"
if n is even, the last inequality will be "n\/2\\leq n\/2",
if n is odd, the last inequality will be "(n-1)\/2\\cdot (n+1)\/2\\leq (n\/2)^2"
Multiplying all this inequalities (without the square roots), we obtain:
"(n-1)!\\leq (n\/2)^{n-1}" and
"n!\\leq 2(n\/2)^n"
Therefore, "\\frac{n^n}{n!}\\geq\\frac{n^n}{2(n\/2)^n}=2^{n-1}"
The values "2^{n-1}" are unbounded from above, therefore the sequence "{n^n}\/n!" is unbounded too and hence, it is divergent.
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