If "f" is not continuous then there exist "\\epsilon >0" such that for any "\\delta >0," must exist points "x_k, y_k" such that "|x_k-y_k|<\\frac{\\delta}{2^k}" but "|f(x_k)-f(y_k)|>\\epsilon" for each "k>0." Now the sequence is bounded by the interval, hence by Bolzano-Weirstrass a subsequence of "{x_k}" which converges. For simplicity let us call this sequence also as "{x_k}." Now let "x_k\\rightarrow x." Then we claim "y_k\\rightarrow x." Let "\\epsilon'>0" be given. Then there exists "k_1, N>0," such that "\\frac{\\delta}{2^{k_1}}<\\frac{\\epsilon^{'}}{2}" and "|x_{k}-x|<\\epsilon' \\ \\forall \\ k\\geq N." We take "k=max\\{k_{1},N\\}."
By triangle inequality "|y_k-x|\\leq |y_k-x_k|+|x_k-x|""<\\frac{\\delta}{2^{k_1}}+\\frac{\\epsilon^{'}}{2} \\leq \\frac{\\delta}{2^k}+\\frac{\\epsilon'}{2}< \\frac{\\epsilon'}{2}+\\frac{\\epsilon'}{2}= \\epsilon'."
Now "f" being continuous, "f(y_k)\\rightarrow f(x)." Also, "f(x_k)\\rightarrow f(x)." So given "\\epsilon>0" there exist "N_1,N_2" such that for all "k>N_1,N_2" ",|f(x_k)-f(x)|<\\frac{\\epsilon}{2}, |f(y_k)-f(x)|<\\frac{\\epsilon}{2}." Hence "|f(x_k)-f(y_k)|\\leq |f(x_k)-f(x)|+|f(y_k)-f(x)|" "\\leq \\epsilon" contradicting "|f(x_k)-f(y_k)|>\\epsilon ."
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