Since f(x) is continuous on [a,b] then it is uniformly continuous on the interval.
Let "\\epsilon>0" by uniform continuity there exist a "\\delta>0" such that "|f(x)-f(y)|< \\epsilon" whenever "|x-y|<\\delta" such that "x,y\\in [a,b]"
We now divide the interval [a,b] into partitions "J_1,J_2,\\dots,J_n" each of lengths "\\frac{b-a}{N}"
By definition
"\\underline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx\\leq \\sum_{k=1}^N\\left(\\inf_{x \\in J_k}f(x)\\right)|J_k|"
"\\overline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx\\leq \\sum_{k=1}^N\\left(\\sup_{x \\in J_k}f(x)\\right)|J_k|"
"\\overline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx-\\underline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx\\leq \\sum_{k=1}^N\\left(\\sup_{x \\in J_k}f(x)-\\inf_{x \\in J_k}f(x)\\right)|J_k|" ...... (1)
However we have
"|f(x)-f(y)|<\\epsilon" "\\forall x,y \\in J_k" ,since "|J_k|=\\frac{b-a}{N}" ,In particular we have
"f(x)<f(y)+\\epsilon" "\\forall x,y\\in J_k"
Taking suprema in x we obtain
"\\sup_{x\\in J_k}f(x) \\leq f(y) + \\epsilon" "\\forall y\\in J_k"
And taking infima in y we obtain
"\\sup_{x\\in J_k}f(x) \\leq \\inf_{y\\in J_k} f(y) + \\epsilon"
Inserting this into (1) we have
"\\overline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx-\\underline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx\\leq \\sum_{k=1}^N\\epsilon|J_k|"
But "\\epsilon >0" is arbitrary and (b-a) is fixed. Thus "\\overline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx-\\underline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx" cannot be positive, but "\\overline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx\\geq\\underline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx" which implies "\\overline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx-\\underline{\\int_a^bf(x)}dx=0" which complete the proof.
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