What is your idea for a program, initiative, campaign, etc. that will make consumers recycle more tires?
Any program to encourage the consumers of products to recycle the b-products must ignite the consumers initiative by creative strategies. Tires are bulky and generally replaced by the mechanics who rarely have any purpose for the used tires. The idea must be consumer-oriented to measure that the tires replaced by the mechanics are taken away by the consumers to the right place or recycling points. Recycling by the consumers can be made possible by offering payments for returns of the used tires and further educating the consumer bases on the benefits of conserving the environment. Recycling the tire would mean that the waste products used in tires would b converted to other useful rubber products such as shoe soles. Therefore, the company that will be using the waste products as raw material should reward the consumers who recycle the tires in the form of a reasonable payment.
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