you as an expert in the marketing of agricultural products suggest the possible distribution channels in the markerting of fertilizer as one of agriltural input ,illustrate your points in the tanzania markerting environmentÂ
As individuals within a society become more specialised in their economic activities, they come to rely upon others to supply at least some of the products and services which they need. Thus begins a process of exchange between buyers and sellers. For a while buyers and sellers remain in immediate contact and each party is able to determine what the other needs and values and, therefore, will be willing to exchange. As the economy develops the number and types of exchanges expand, there is a concomitant need for increasingly specialised marketing services such as physical distribution, storage, grading, market information gathering and so. The number of participants also increases with many of the specialised services being provided by intermediaries between the seller and ultimate buyer. Few buyers and sellers are in direct contact with one another and communication between them is channelled through a complex marketing system.Â
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