Homework Answers

Math 58880 52480
Physics 50710 47629
Chemistry 44357 42759
Programming & Computer Science 34330 30918
Economics 34267 33209
English 12729 11462
Biology 9425 8734
Management 8270 7078
Engineering 8082 6895
History 4259 3853
Psychology 2611 2287
Geography 2457 1903
Sociology 2387 2125
Law 2080 1463
Other 2007 1890
Marketing 1915 1605
Philosophy 1405 1148
Political Science 1107 1010
French 565 528

Questions: 281 843

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Find a counterexample, if possible, to these universally quantified statements, where the domain

for all variables consists of all integers.

a) ∀x (x2 ≥x)

b)∀x(x>0∨x<0) c) ∀x (x = 1)

A die is loaded in such a way that the probabilities of getting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are 1/2, 1/6, 1/12, 1/12, 1/12, and 1/12 respectively

Phase Diagram for Methane

1. What are the approximate temperature and pressure at the critical


2. What are the approximate temperature and pressure at the triple


3. Is methane a solid, liquid, or gas at 1 atm and 0 ºC?

4. What phase(s) will exist at point 1?

5. If solid methane at 1 atm is heated while the pressure is held

constant, will it melt or sublime?

gas has temp of 47C and pressure of 2.10⁵ pascal. What pressure would gas have after isochoric boiling it to 77C

Based from the phase diagram of water and carbon dioxide, answer the following

questions and justify your answers:

1. You have ice at 263 K (-10.0 °C) and 1.0 atm. What could you do to make

the ice sublime?

2. A sample of dry ice (solid CO2) is cooled to 173 K (-100.0 °C), and is set

on a table at room temperature (298 K; 25 °C). At what temperature is the

rate of sublimation and deposition the same (assume that pressure is held

constant at 1 atm)?

Illustrate the phase diagram of a substance given with the following points: a

triple point at 0.70 atm and 80 ºC; a normal freezing point at 100 ºC; a normal

boiling point at 350 ºC; and a critical point at 1.6 atm and 810 ºC. For this,

complete the following:

1. Roughly sketch the phase diagram, using units of atmosphere and degree

Celsius. Label the area 1, 2, and 3, and points T and C on the diagram.

2. Describe what one would see at pressures and temperatures above 1.25 atm

and 300 ºC.

3. Describe the phase changes from 100 ºC to 200 ºC at 1.5 atm.

4. What exists in a system that is at 1 atm and 100 ºC?

5. What exists in a system that is at 1 atm and 325 ºC?

Tournament Training:

To prepare for the upcoming marthon.Ramesh trains one long distancerun each saturday .He considers a saturday to be a progress day if he runs more kilometers thsn the previous saturday Ramesh wants to track the no.of progress day

Given the no.of kilometer run by rsmesh on each aturday print the total no.of progress days

The 1st line of input contains space-seperated integers


12 11 10 12 11 13


i/p:1 2 1 1 1


Record the following transactions using the accounting equation and T accounts.

1.     Owner contributed $50,000 in cash for company stock.

2.     Purchased building for $120,000, making a $20,000 down payment and signing a promissory note for the balance.

3.     Sold products to customers for $15,000 cash.

4.     Paid utilities expense of $2,000.

5.     Reduced note payable with an $8,000 cash payment (ignore interest costs).

6.     Incurred expense of $3,000, to be paid in the future (accounts payable).

Collected $4,000 on an outstanding account receivable

Create a new project, and copy your code from Task 1 to the new project (copy the contents of the Main() method and the displayDetails() method) Adapt your Main() method to capture and display the details for 4 different people. The displayDetails() method should remain unchanged.

Create a user defined method named calcCost() that accepts two double values as input (length and width), and then computes the estimated cost of painting a room (walls only, not ceiling), assuming the room is rectangular and has four full walls and the walls are 2.6 meter high. The rate for the painting job is R20 per square meter. Your method should return the estimated cost to the calling method. Create a program whose Main() method prompts a user for the length and the width of a room in meter, then calls calcCost to calculate the estimated cost. Once calculated, you should display the estimated cost. 

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