Homework Answers

Math 58880 52480
Physics 50710 47629
Chemistry 44357 42759
Programming & Computer Science 34330 30918
Economics 34267 33209
English 12729 11462
Biology 9425 8734
Management 8270 7078
Engineering 8082 6895
History 4259 3853
Psychology 2611 2287
Geography 2457 1903
Sociology 2387 2125
Law 2080 1463
Other 2007 1890
Marketing 1915 1605
Philosophy 1405 1148
Political Science 1107 1010
French 565 528

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Solve for what is asked in the following problem, show your complete solution

Student A investigated the rate of reaction between calcium carbonate (marble chips) and hydrochloric acid. The student collected 10.0 cm3 of gas produced after 15 seconds.Student B investigated the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. The student collected 19.5 cm3 of gas produced after 10 seconds.Which student’s investigation had a faster rate of reaction?

A refrigerator unit working on Bell Coleman cycle takes air from cold chamber at -10 °C and compresses it from 1 bar to 6.5 bar with index of compression being 1.2. The compressed air is cooled to a temperature of 25 °C before it is expanded in the expander where the index of expansion is 1.35, determine,

a. COP

b. Quantity of air circulated per minute for production of 2000 kg of ice per day at 0 °C from water at 20 °C

c. Capacity of the plant in tons of refrigeration Assume, C₂ = 1 kJ/kg k for air.

A Carnot refrigerator requires 1.1 kw per tome of refrigeration to maintain a region at

m'/kg respectively.

a low temperature of -30°C. Determine

a. COP of refrigerator

b. Higher temperature of the cycle

c. Heat rejected in KJ/ton

d. Calculate the heat delivered and COP, when this device is used as heat pump.

A Transport Company is requested for a software and asked for the following functionalities.

o Client name, contact, email and transection (only one) are important to keep.

o Client can buy or sell car through pinwheels. The transection details which are important

to keep are date (day), transection type (Buy or Sell) and amount.

Implement the above demand in such a way what if the client is deleted, none of its transection

record will remain. (Use Composition)

Given the balanced equation below for the highly exothermic reaction of aluminum

with oxygen to form aluminum oxide:

4Al(s) + 3O2(g)  2Al2O3(s) ∆H = - 1,670 kJ

a. What is the value of ∆H when 2 moles of aluminum react?

b. What is the value of ∆H when 10.8 g of aluminum reacts?

c. A certain reaction releases 6,881 kJ of heat. What mass of aluminum oxide was

produced in the reaction?

The String_collection.txt file contains 4000 random English names (keys), write a C++ program that generates hash codes for each key using polynomial accumulation.In addition your program should perform the following tasks. consider a=37 [constant]

Write separate function for each task and call it in proper order

1. Create a hash table to store the keys based on the hash values generated

➢ Hash value: h(key)=|hash code| mod N , use appropriate value for N

➢ For collision handling use separate chaining

1.1. Write a function insert(key), and find(key) to insert and find the key in the hash table.

1.2. Write a display function that display all the keys in ascending order of hash values (line-wise) such that each line display the keys (names) having the same hash value.

1.3 Find the hash value with maximum number of collisions and display all the string associated with this hash value

2. Compare the total number of collisions for a=33, 37, 39, 41

2.1. Display the total number of collisions occurred for each case

Why it's so difficult to localize sound with only one ear? How does having two ears help to localize sound?

Given the formula for change in internal energy, U = Q + W, calculate work for a

system that absorbs 350 kJ of heat and for which U = 150 kJ. Is the work done on

the system or by the system? Does the system expand or contract?

An employee of a big business company earns a gross annual salary of

₱450,000. What is the weekly, and monthly pay for this employee?

A sample biogas contains 10.75 mol ethane, 6.35 mol pentane and 2.89 mol propane. If the total pressure I 2. 46 atm, What are the partial pressures of the gases?

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