What is the role of operant conditioning in our development of reading skills? How do these skills become stronger and more “automatic”? Do you think that many of our “skills” follow the same path of development, and why?
The major role of operant conditioning in the development of reading skills is to assists psychologists and enable them to deeply understand how behaviour among individuals is learnt. It enables them to clearly and aptly explain why reinforcements is so effective in the processes of learning and the manner in which schedules of reinforcement can impact the outcome of conditioning.
Operant conditioning also helps and facilitates learners to read comprehensions in a manner that is more meaningful to them.
Actions of the learners that are normally followed by reinforcements recurs again and again over time and this helps the skills becoming automatic and much stronger among the learners.
It is fundamentally correct to assert that most of our skills follow the same path. This is because obtaining the reading skills is a process that ought to be developed in the course of time. These skills can be mastered through reinforcements and repetitions.
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