There are several steps that a person may use to prevent hackers from getting access to their personal information. First, do not use public Wi-Fi to access personal or financial information. This may sound obvious, but you would be amazed how many individuals use public Wi-Fi to check their bank accounts or make credit card purchases. It's preferable to do so over a secure connection.
Second, turn off any devices that are not in use. Hackers can access your information, location, or connection by exploiting certain aspects of your phone. So, rather than leaving your GPS, wireless connection, or geo-tracking on all the time, only use them when you need them.
Third, use a password, a lock code, or encryption to protect your information. Make your passwords at least eight characters long, with a combination of upper and lower case, digits, and other characters, and never use the password auto-complete tool. To secure your personal information, use your phone's storage encryption option and set your screen to timeout after five minutes or fewer.
Finally, you can erase or trace. If your mobile device is stolen or misplaced, be sure your data is safe. After a certain number of failed log-in attempts, you can set your device to lock itself.
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