1.Would you be able to make use of this knowledge obtained in this module? In what scenario would it be? About the 5S Principle.
2.Will you apply it personality or in the future when you are already working for a company?What scenario that would be? About the 5S Principles.
1) Definitely i would be able to make use the knowledge from the 5S Principles. For instance, I can use the knowledge acquired from the 5s Principles to make my everyday life easier. For instance, i can sort clothes that i wear regularly by removing clothes that i no longer wear from the wardrobe.
2) Personally i would apply the knowledge obtained from the 5S principles in future and even when working for a company. As an example, i can plan to always report to work in good time so that i can be more productive throughout the day. Additionally, i can sort for the Do's and Don't do in the company so that i can align myself with the company's code of conduct.
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