For a given incident energy "E=hc\/\\lambda", the outgoing final-state photon energy, "E_{sc}", is given by
"E_{sc}=\\frac{E}{1+\\frac{E}{E_0}(1-\\cos \\theta)}"where "\\theta" is the scattering angle.
"\\min E_{sc}(\\theta)=E_{sc}(\\theta=\\pi)=\\frac{E}{1+2E\/E_0}"
Part of the photon energy is transferred to the recoil particle (electron). Thus the photon loses energy in the process. Kinetic energy of the recoiling particle is given by
"E_{re}=E_0-E_{sc} \\rightsquigarrow \\max E_{re}=E_0-\\min E_{sc}=E_0-\\frac{E}{1+2E\/E_0}"
"\\max E_{re}==\\frac{E_0+E}{1+2E\/E_0}"
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