Suppose U1; U2;...; Um are finite-dimensional subspaces of V .
Prove that U1 + U2 +...+ Um is finite-dimensional and dim(U1 + U2 +.....+ Um) ≤ dim U1 + dim U2 +...+ dim Um.
Proof by induction method on m.
Base case.
In the m = 1 case,
this formula reduces to
dim(U1) ≤ dim(U1),
which is trivial.
Inductive step.
In the m=m-1 case,
We assume that
dim(U1 +···+Um-1) ≤ dim(U1)+···+dim(Um-1) ..............eq(1)
we will prove that
dim(U1 +··· +Um-1 +Um) ≤ dim(U1)+···+dim(Um-1)+dim(Um).
Let W =U1+···+Um-1.
By a theorem in Axler and our inductive hypothesis,
dim(W +Um)
≤(dim(U1)+···+dim(Um-1))+dim(Um), as eq(1).
now put value of W, we get
dim(U1 +··· +Um-1 +Um) ≤ dim(U1)+···+dim(Um-1)+dim(Um).
Therefore, by the PMI, the inequality holds for every m≥1.
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