Let A be any n x n matrix and let P be an n x n orthogonal matrix. Prove that jAj D jP
A is "n\\times n" symmetric matrix.
its all eigen values are greater than 0.
Characteristics polynomial is "det(A-\\lambda I_n)=0"
"\\lambda" are the eigenvalues of A.
As P is orthogonal matrix so "P^T=P^{-1}"
Characteristics polynomial for "P^TAP" is given as-
"det(P^TAP-\\lambda I_n)\n\n\n\\\\\n=det(P^{-1}AP-\\lambda P^{-1}P)\n\n\n\\\\\n=det{P^{-1}(A-\\lambda I_n)P}\n\n\n\\\\\n=det(P^{-1})det (P)det(A-\\lambda I_n)\n\n\n\\\\\n=det(P^{-1}P)det(A-\\lambda I_n)\n\\\\\n\n\n=det(A-\\lambda I_n)"
"(P^TAP)^T=(PA)^T(P^T)^T=P^TA^TP=P^TAP, as A^T=A"
So "P^TAP" is symmetric matrix.
From characteristics equation, eigenvalues of "P^TAP" is the same as eigenvalues of A.
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