(a) Any square matrix with real entries is either symmetric or skew-symmetric or a linear combination of such matrices.
Let "A+A'" be a symmetric matrix "A-A'" be a skew matrix
Let "B=A+A'" then "B'=(A+A')'"
"\\implies A'+(A')'\\ (as\\ (A+B)'=A'+B')\\\\\n\\implies A'+A (as\\ (A')'=A)\\\\\n\\implies A+A' (as\\ (A+B= B+A)+B\\\\"
Therefore "B=A+A'" is a symmetric matrix
Now let "C=A-A'"
"C'=(A-A)'=A-(A)'\\ (Why?)\\\\\nC'=A'-A\\ (Why?)\\\\\n\\implies -(A-A')=-C"
Hence, "A-A'" is a skew-symmetric matrix
If "A" is a square matrix in "Mn(C)" then
(b) If a linear operator has an eigenvalue 0, then it cannot be one-one.
Let "V" be an "n" dimensional vector space over an algebraically closed field F. Let x be a non-zero vector in V. If "Tx= 0" , then 0 is an eigenvalue. Assume that "Tx \\ne 0" . Then we known that "\\{x,Tx,...,Tnx\\}" is linearly dependent, so that there exist "\u03b10,\u03b11,...,\u03b1k" in F with "k\\{1,...,n\\}" such that "ak \\neq 0" and
where "p(t) :=\u03b1_0+\u03b1_1t+\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7+\u03b1_kt^k" . By fundamental theorem of algebra, there exist "\u03bb_1,...,\u03bb_k" in F such that
Since "p(T)x= 0" , we have
This shows that at least one of "T\u2212\u03bb_1I,...,T\u2212\u03bb_kI" is not one-one.
(c) If f : V --> K is a non-zero linear functional and V a vector space of dimension n, then there are n - 1 linearly independent vectors v belongs to V such that f(v) = 0.
By definition,
Suppose V is a vector space of dimension n, and that "v_1, v_2,...,v_n" are vectors of V. The set of vectors "\\{v_1, v_2,...,v_n\\}" is linearly independent.
If "f_1v_1+f_2v_2+...+f_nv_n=0" for some "f_1,f_2, ..., f_n \\in F" where at least one of "f_1,f_2, ..., f_n" is a non-zero. This implies that there are n linearly independent vectors of V as opposed to n-1
(d) Every binary operation on Rn is commutative, for all n belongs to N.
Let∗ be a binary operation on a set Rn. Given any three elements "m,n" and "p" of a set Rn, the binary operation, applied to the elements m∗ n and p of Rn ,yields an element (m∗n)∗p of Rn, and, applied to the elements m and n∗p of Rn, yields an element m∗(n∗p) of Rn.
(e) IAdj (A)I = IAI for all A belongs Mn(R).
Every invertible matrix is a product of some elementary matrices. This
is seen by applications of a series of elementary row operations to the matrix
to get the identity matrix I. When matrix A is invertible, the inverse can
be found by the adjoint, the formula
It is easy to see that "|kA| = (k^n)|A|" where k is a constant and n is the order of the square matrix A.
We know that "|A^{-1}|\\ is \\frac{1}{|A|}" .Since "A^{-1}" is "\\frac{1}{|A|} adj (A)", we get "|A^{-1}| = (\\frac{1}{|A|})^n |adj(A)|" which implies "\\frac{|A|^{(n)}}{|A|}" is "|adj(A)|" .
So "|A|^{(n-1)} = |adj(A)|" .
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