It is possible for a set S of three vectors from R^3 to be linearly dependent, even though every subset of two vectors from LaTeX: S\:Sis linearly independent
It is true. Take the set S to be "\\{e_1,e_2,e_1+e_2\\}" . Linear dependency is clear. "e_1+e_2+(-1)(e_1+e_2) =0." Now "e_1,e_2" are linearly independent. Since "a_1e_1+a_2+e_2=(a_1,a_2,0)" . Hence sum is zero implies , "a_1=a_2=0." Now similarly "e_1,e_1+e_2" and "e_2,e_1+e_2\n\u200b" are linearly independent. Hence done.
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