Is the function h(u,v)=cos(u)+e^nu+√(sinh(u^2 )+√(v+e^nu )) , Where n is second digit of your arid number for example if your arid number is 19-arid-12345 then choose n=2. Is is continuous? In case of yes then find the points of continuity. Explain briefly
The solution of the above equation is-
which is defined in R for "y\u2265\u22121." This can be used to separate the domain of f(x) into two intervals. For "x\\in[1,\u221e" ) and "x\\in(\u2212\u221e,1]" , the function f(x) is not injective (and invertible). The domain that contains 2 is of course "[1,\u221e)."
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