Discuss the main approaches to quality management and improvement as encapsulated inÂ
Deming, Juran, Crosby and Taguchi’s work.
Include references in your answer
Deming placed a strong emphasis on analytical quality control and shop-floor engagement. Senior management, according to Deming, is also liable for the bulk of workplace issues and an emphasis on an entire strategy for continual improvement. Juran emphasized ground-breaking initiatives, measurement and control, and quality assurance. Juran’s approaches put a significant focus on cooperation and are highly people-oriented. It also encapsulated as ‘prevention’ rather than the conventional testing and evaluation processes. Crosby emphasized the importance of zero defects, motivation and mindset change, and the expense of quality reporting in his presentation. According to Crosby, quality is the responsibility of top management, and performance criteria should be founded on zero defects. The Taguchi method of quality control accentuates the duties of research and development and product design and development to reduce the incidence of faults and failures in produced items.
Klochkov, Y. S., & Tveryakov, A. M. (2020). Approaches to the improvement of quality management methods. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 11(2), 163-172.
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