A French company ABC, has a product portfolio of perfumes among other beauty care products. It has introduced a perfume, in its international markets including India, under the brand name SK, named after the charismatic celebrity Salman Khan. The company is trying to segment the market on basis of gender and has decided to launch two types of SK. The perfume therefore is available in two variants, Silver for men and Gold for Women. The perfumes are priced at Rs. 500 for a 100 ml pump spray bottle. The strategy may be to capture a large number of consumers who are oriented towards film celebrities. Develop a media strategy for the launch of the perfume.
The company should first release a press concerning launch of the perfumes into the market. It should then consult press and media personalities to write about the products to be launched. Thirdly, the company should make it's website to announce the launched fo the new perfume brands in the market. It should also use advertisement to popularise the perfumes in the market
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