Following acquisition, Realpage understands the need for Culture change. The top management wants the company to make effortsto bring about a seamless culture change. They want the HR to equip themselves with the right strategy to meet these needs. Why do companies experience a need for cultural change? What process of Organizational culture change will HR follow?
An organization's culture, or the beliefs and behaviours that influence how people act within that organization, is now believed to play a major role in a company's success or failure. The culture at your organization sets expectations for how people behave and work together, and how well they function as a team. In this way, culture can break down the boundaries between spoiled teams, guide decision-making, and improve workflow overall.
Human resource personnel will require following the 5 Steps to Change organizational Culture which are; firstly, the HR should revisit the organizational core values and assess whether they still work for the organization. Secondly, set the organizational culture goals that need to be achieved and thirdly, HR should assess the existing organizational culture and map out the new organizational culture plan. Lastly, HR should continue to evaluate the progress of the new organizational culture.
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