How are Unitary Theory and Pluralist theory critique similar or different from each other?
How are Unitary Theory and Pluralist theory critique similar or different from each other?
One similarity between these theories is that they involve the two parties of industrial relations. These two parties are the employer and the management, which communicate to each other concerning the terms and conditions of employment and make job decisions and clarifications. They both succeed in considering that the organization cannot be successful without communication. These theories are also distinct (Loosemore et al., 2021). The unitary theory is unrealistic in viewing the organization as one happy family where there is sharing of a common goal between the management and employees of a company. It assumes that conflict is abnormal within an organization, yet in the current society, conflict is a common occurrence. Pluralist theory, on the other hand, perceives an organization to be powerful when there are distinct groups all with different interests. According to Loosemore et al. (2021), Allan Fox argued that pluralism’s distinctions in interests and leaderships arise complex tensions and competing claims that have to be managed in the interests of maintaining a viable structure of collaboration.
Loosemore, M., Alkilani, S. Z., & Luperdi, S. (2021). Productivity and industrial relations in the Australian construction industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Management, Procurement and Law, 40(XXXX), 1-10.
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