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What were the main motivations behind the age of exploration? Explain.
The age of exploration was the period when the European traveled around the world including America, India, and Africa among others. The main reason that motivated the Europeans to explore the globe is to satisfy their curiosity, improve their economy, and spread religion. The European wanted to enhance their economy by traveling around the world to acquire more knowledge and skills on how best they can market their products and discover new and fast trading routes. As well as learning how to obtain more gold and spices. They also toured the world as they spread their Christianity religions to convert more nonbelievers and help people to understand the importance of worshiping God rather than other gods which they used to praise. The Europeans spreads the Christianity through conducting crusades, preaching the word of God, and distribution of books and other reading materials that contains the word of God. Nevertheless, the need to explore the world's geographical features inspired Europeans to roam the world as they view different geographical features such as mountains, rivers, forests, Valleys hinterlands, seas, and others.
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