The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense knew what they wanted. They were young and they
were black. They couldn't be ignored. Their ten-point platform was just the beginning of an
unforgettable period in the history of this nation's civil rights movement. By 1967 the Black Panthers had established themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Their ideas, their agenda, their fight for equality for African Americans, put these outspoken youth on the map of American politics." (Haskins) Almost 40 years ago, in 1966, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale led a revolution that was driven in response to the oppression of black people. They sought to change that. Today, thanks to their fight for civil rights, extreme risks, and development of social needs, people around the world can enjoy some of their modifications, such as free breakfast programs. The formation and movements of the Black Panther Party were directed by the F.B.I, who sought to bring every party member down; as well as their radical alliances, such as The Resistance, (which kindled the rebirth of the party during hard times), and the brave women who joined the party, such as Afeni Shakur, stood up for their rights in a time in which Americas looked down on women as less than equals helped their cause. The original Black Panther Party had six members, and grew to thousands all over the world. "The Black Panther Party climbed center stage on the world scene searing Americans race relations with its bold, in-your-face stance."(Haskins). They developed a 10-point program that all members had to abide by. Their ten-point program covered their plan for an economic black reform.
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