Minutes of a meeting to come up with strategies to instill discipline in school
Minutes of a Meeting to strategize on instilling discipline in school held on 10/3/2022.
Parents not in the below list
Joseck mbarire
Mary Ann
Cohen Joshen
Min 1: Planning and Organizing
It was agreed that planning should be put in place to curb any leakages in discipline among the students. System of identifying indiscipline at early stages.
Min 2: Resolving issues from the beginning.
It was agreed that the teachers should ensure trimming of the signs of indiscipline early enough to prevent them from going beyond control.
Min 3: Establishing Proper Procedures in Place.
Proper procedures will be put in place on how to deal with the rude students to prevent them from contaminating their colleagues.
Min 4: Explaining the rules.
It was agreed that all the rules and code of conduct should be made available to the students and made to understand each and every thing so that they know what is expected of them.
Min5: Rewarding good behavior
It was agreed that at the end of the year the most disciplined student shall be identified and rewarded positively for the good behavior as this will force the students to be behaved so that they can win the reward.
Min 6: AOB
There being no other business the meeting ended at 11:00am.
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