Read the instruction for the each question and respond accordingly.
3.1Give three examples to illustrate the arbitrariness in spelling and pronunciation in the English language.
N.B you should not use words in 3.2.
3.2Set A=that,thumb,thrash,then,three,thy.
Set B=thing, though,them,there,thread,this,regroup/rearrange the words into two sets of words that Shara the same pronounciation.
Write the phonetic symbol that each set of words share.
3.3it is a proven observation that some words in the English language are usually mispronounced by second language (L2) the following words and then explain the difficulty in pronounciation that L2 speakers your explanation shown clearly the standard and non standard are free to use the phonetic/phonemic transcriptions of the words to help you with the explanation.
3.1 should, share, shine, shrine, shrink, shrimp, shoulder,shall, shallow, shape.
Duvet, problem is where the silent t is pronounced
Parking, this word letter r is silent
Management, this word letter e is silent
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