Lord of the Flies Study Guide Questions
Directions: Answers need to be thorough, and where possible, include quote text (with citation).
Chapter 11
Symbolism: What is the significance of Piggy’s holding the conch when the boys go to claim back the glasses? Sam says that Jack will be painted. What is Sam implying? What happens to Piggy? What happens simultaneously? What do these signify? Describe the changes in the depiction of the conch.
Individually respond to each question with an elaborative answer that directly acknowledges the question being asked, demonstrating your understanding of the book/chapter and the question itself.
What is the significance of Piggy’s holding the conch when the boys go to claim back the glasses?
To the boys, the conch is still a symbol of law and authority. It is their persistent belief in this
a symbol that separates them from the lawless savages of Castle Rock.
Sam says that Jack will be painted. What is Sam implying?
Sam understands that when Jack has paint on his face, the Jack they knew at school is gone
and a ruthless, savage replaces him.
What happens to Piggy? What happens simultaneously? What do these signify? Describe the changes in the depiction of the conch.
As Piggy tries to speak, hoping to remind the group of the importance of rules and rescue, Roger shoves a massive rock down the mountainside. But the boulder strikes Piggy, shatters the conch shell he is holding, and knocks him off the mountainside to his death on the rocks below.
Ralph and Piggy discover the conch shell on the beach at the start of the novel and use it to summon the boys together after the crash separates them. The boulder that Roger rolls onto Piggy also crushes the conch shell, signifying the demise of the civilized instinct among almost all the boys on the island.
Piggy carries the conch with pride as he, Ralph, Sam, and Eric go to confront Jack's tribe about his stolen glasses.' Roger releases the giant rock, which kills Piggy and destroys the conch. The destruction of both Piggy and the conch represents the final loss of order on the island.
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