Lord of the Flies Study Guide Questions
Directions: Answers need to be thorough, and where possible, quote the text (with citation).
Chapter 4
Imagery: The language that a writer uses to convey a visual picture (to create or represent any sensory experience) is imagery. Give examples of imagery that cover each of the five senses from the beginning of this chapter. What is Golding trying to convey through this imagery?
Imagery is the general term covering the use of literary devices which encourage the reader to form a mental picture in their mind about the way something or someone looks, sounds, behaves, etc. The language used often relates to one or more of our five senses.
Images of nature, particularly animals, appear throughout the novel, forming a deliberate pattern. Many of the boys are described using animal-like behavior or appearance especially as they become more savage. Golding generally uses similes for these comparisons as he wants to compare a specific aspect of the character to the animal in question.
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