Directions: Answer the following questions.
1. How do you do things on your own with the values that you have gained in a Christ-centered environment like electrons that gain or lose its electrons?
2. Why is it important in the understanding of an electric charge? Explain how important it is to do things on your own with the values that you have gained in Christ-centered environment.
1. Values gained in a Christ-centered environment provides me with an environment where every member of the family learns how to live by studying the Scriptures, praying, meditating on God’s Word, and spending time alone in the presence of the Lord. These values also help me to gain the good morals and at the same place dropping the bad morals.
2. Electric charge is our way of measuring how much electric force an object can exert or feel. Electric charge plays the same role in electric forces as mass plays in gravitational forces. This use of charge is important, because it allows us to understand current, voltage, electric fields and the conservation of charge. The importance of doing things on my own with the values that I have gained in Christ-centered environment is that is leads to increased Productivity and Commitment. It also enables me to achieve a greater success.
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