Title:; Impact of mobile phones on behavior patterns of elementary school children.
1.Objective: To determine the extend to which mobile phones have changed the behavior patterns of elementary school children.
2.Participants;grades 3-5 learners. The reason as to why I chose participants from these grades is because children from these grades are more conversant with mobile phones as compared to those in grade one and grade two.
3.Time Frame: 6months. I chose a time frame of six months so that I can be able to conduct my research fully and also within my budget.
4.Locale: New York. The reason as to why I chose this locale is because there are many schools within it and I am also familiar with the area.
5.Variables: independent variable is the impact of mobile phones while dependent variable is behavior patterns of elementary school children.
6.Research Design: descriptive research design. Descriptive research design was preferred over the other research because it provides the research with both qualitative and quantitative data of the study.
7.Proposed Instrument: interview. This is because most of learners may not be able to answer questionnaires as per my requirements.
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