Assessment is an important aspect of the teaching and learning process. In the context of the above statement, use EMS CAPS document to discuss any two types of informal assessment, emphasising the role of each type of informal assessment in promoting effective teaching and learning and learners
understanding of the subject content. /08/
3.2 The Minimum Requirement of Teacher Qualification (MRTEQ) emphasises that a properly trained teacher must have comprehensive knowledge and be able to teach EMS, “determine the sequence and pace of content in accordance with both subject and learners needs, have an adequate knowledge of content and learners” DHET (2011:)
3.2.2 Do you think it underscores your ultimate expectation of a good EMS teacher if not, what do you suggest can be included as part of teacher training? /09/
Informal assessment consists of quick tools to determine a student's level of understanding during the learning process. The two types of informal assessment include:
3.2 No, I don't think that the minimum requirements for teacher education are realistic given my understanding of the context.
3.2.2 Make course expectations clear and based on learning outcomes.
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