Barriers to Parental Involvement in Schools
Research over the past decade has provided undeniable evidence of the strong connection that exists between parental involvement and student academic success. Students whose families are involved in their education typically receive higher grades and test scores, complete more homework, have better attendance, and exhibit more positive attitudes and behaviors.
Parents face a number of barriers when attempting to become actively involved in their child’s academic life. Lack of understanding of parents' communication style is one of the reasons for increased apparent apathy of parents with their children's education. Some efforts at increasing involvement fail because there is a mismatch in the communication styles of families and teachers, often due to cultural and language differences. Some teachers also believe parents cannot help their children because they have limited educational backgrounds themselves. Lack of time is also a major reason given by family members for why they don’t get more involved. Lack of transportation and child care also keep families from participating in their children's education.
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