"...as we all know that we are living in a diverse world interms of technology. Most of the activities are carried out on gadgets and devices including phones, computers e.t.c. There is a need for our children to do technology subjects to enable fit in this competitive world. It is important in a way information can be shared across the globe without linguistic barriers. Technology opens job opportunities including programmers, clerks and others. It also enhances skills and creativity of the students in and after school. Technology subjects are important hence you are called upon for your support and encouragement .Thank you"
Planting should start a few days after the onset of the rains when the soil is moist. Fourth, for good growth and development, maize should be planted at the right spacing. The recommended spacing is 75cm between rows and 25cm for plants. The planting holes should be about 5cm deep.
How is maize grown?
Maize is sown in rows, 60-75 cm apart, whereas the plants in the row are spaced at 20 to 25 cm. A population of 60-75 thousand plants per hectare at harvest are required for obtaining the optimum yield. Sowing in rows is generally done with drill or by dropping the seed behind the plough.
How do you harvest maize crop?
How do you store maize for a long time?
Maize can be stored in bags. The bags must be placed in an ordinary hut or a clean, cool grain hut. Mealies in bags can also be hung in a tree or strung between the branches of a tree. Stored grained insects can, however, fly and will damage the grain stored in the tree.\
Planting should start a few days after the onset of the rains when the soil is moist. Fourth, for good growth and development, maize should be planted at the right spacing. The recommended spacing is 75cm between rows and 25cm for plants. The planting holes should be about 5cm deep.
Maize seed should be drilled to a uniform depth and into moisture. Soil temperatures should by 8C first thing in the morning for four to five consecutive days for maize to grow. Seed must be deeper than a rook's beak and so should be sown into the seedbed at least 7-8cm.
How do you harvest maize crop?
Mode of harvesting.
Maize storage is like every other grain storage. It must be stored dried in a dry place in bags for those going into it as a business. The best way to store maize now is the use of PICS bag from IITA . The return is high and sure depending on your buying and selling time Maize can only be stored well if it has been properly dried. When drying maize in the sun or over a fire turn it to ensure even drying end to prevent overheating. Dry it until a moisture content of below 13% is achieved, which is suitable for long-term storage.
3)Classroom management refers to all techniques and activities a teacher does to organize and prepare the classroom for learning. This aims at attaining optimal academic objectives.
4) A well organised classroom defines responsibilities of the learners and the teacher. This coordination saves on time and ensures that the learners are doing the right thing in an organised manner. It also ensures that the required content and learning objective is captured unlike in a disorganized classroom
5) Organizing a workshop or laboratory ensures that everything required by the students is available including instructions to avoid accident or any related mistakes. The organization also enable the teacher to cover the learning objectives in time and the students have acquired expected skills.
6)there are signs of personal challenges including lowering performance interms of grades, unwilling to speak, loneliness, may have bruises or marks of assault. The learner may present missing item such as clothes, food etc. Depression can also be a result of this challenges. Incomplete assignments.
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