As a Foundation Phase teacher, you want to expose your learners to different genres (i.e. types) of texts. you want a text that will present fun information, rather than one that will present informative ideas in a fun way. In addition, you want text to include visual illustrations to assist your learners in understanding the information presented to them. Write a short story of at least three paragraphs that you could read to your Grade 1 class based on the above case study. It should have (i) an introduction (4) (ii) a body (6) (iii) a conclus
My Fantastic Dog
My name is Trevor. This is my fantastic dog. His name is Fran. Fran and I are the best of friends.
We do a lot of things together. We go for walks. We play football. We also race together and travel together.
As you can see, we are ready to travel together again. Fran is a my sweet little dog. He is really fantastic.
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