2.1Promoted, Distinguish between these two concepts and state two advantages and disadvantages of internal recruitment. (6)
2.2Distinguish between the following rating errors that you should avoid in the performance appraisal process.
Halo effect, Leniency and Central tendency
2.3 Distinguish between on-the-job training, off-the-job training and simulation.
2.4The training and development process comprises four steps and are influenced by factors in both the internal and external organisational environment. Identify and briefly discuss each of the steps in the training and development process
Promoted. To move higher in rank or position.
Advantages of internal recruitment
1.shortens onboarding times.
2.Reduces time to hire.
Disadvantages of external recruitmemt
1.Leaves a gap in the existing workforce.
2.Creates conflicts among colleagues.
Halo effect. A cognitive bias in which our overall impression of a person influences how we think and feel about their character.
Leniency. It is a tendency of a rater to rate all employees at the positive end of the scale or at the low end of the scale.
Central tendency. The number used to represent the middle or centre of a set of data values.
On-the-job training. It is a special type of training that is prescribed and explicit and is delivered at the workplace.
Off-the-job training. A type of training that involves reading more about a job or latest advancements in a field whereby employees learn in a location away from their workplace.
Simulation. The execution of a model, represented by a computer program that gives information about the system being investigated.
Skill gap analysis. To identify what is missing from the skillset.
Set objectives and define your strategy. This will help ensure the success of the program.
Invest in the right resources. Competent trainers are required to lead the training.
Test, measure, and repeat. Once the training strategy is solidified one should run a launch test.
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