Literature can be used as an effective tool to help children deal with emotional and social problems. Through discussion of the problematic issues in selected children’s literature, teachers can help children deal with personal and social challenges presented in their communities (Lynch & Simpson 2010).
In light of the above statement, identify a social challenge in your community or a personal challenge within a home environment. Discuss how you would use children’s literature to solve these social or personal problems, for example an illness or disability, poverty, violence or bullying (social, emotional or physical), divorce or the death of a loved one.
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One of the most common social challenges faced in the communities is the disease HIV/AIDS. Its impact is greatly felt in the rural areas. This is because the context of the rural areas is majorly defined by poor access to health care, poverty and close relations among family members. Both the nuclear families and extended families stay together.
HIV is caused by a virus. It can spread through sexual contact or blood, from mother to child during pregnancy, child birth or breast feeding. Some of the impacts of the disease in the home environment include;
Children's literature can used to help children cope with problems. Through literature, children can perceive how others have encountered and resolved problems that cause sadness, fear, uncertainty and stress. They will also be able to discuss their problems more freely.
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