The United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals(SDGs) are a call for action by allcountries poor,rich and middle-income–to promote prosperity while protecting the
planet.Briefly discuss atleast 4 practical environmental sustainability activities that you can do with your class within your school environment (buildings and school grounds) towards achieving Goal12-Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns[20marks]
1. Setting cleanup days in the school environment: the class can volunteer to pick up some trash lying around the school compound. This can provide insight into the reuse and recycle aspects.
2. Having a tree planting session: this sustainability activity expresses the class' concern on the environment, raises awareness to the society on the importance of planting and saving trees and diminishes unfavorable effects of climate change.
3. Invest in air quality meters: the class, with the help of other students and our parents, can raise funds for and ask the school to invest in air quality meters. Such meters are very impactful in notifying the school of any serious air quality issues e.g. elevated CO2 levels or elevated moisture that brings about mold.
4. Organize a local food day: the class can team up with food trucks, local restaurants or farms nearby to bring local food to school monthly or every few months. This will help students to learn and appreciate the benefits of local healthy foods while also supporting the community’s small businesses.
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