Do you think containing the spread of the pandemic has led to to fundamental human rights being compromised by our law enforcement officials
Yes! I think containing the spread of the pandemic has led to fundamental human rights being compromised by our law enforcement officials. The Covid-19 is no respecter of people. It is a pandemic of international scopes that some have labelled the “Third World War”. Because of the virus, quarantine measures have been implemented across the world. While commonly limitation of movement of free persons would fall under a civil liberties violation, there is an exemption for threats to a country that diseases fall under. However, this exclusion does not cover the civil rights violations in implementing quarantine measures that have been executed around the world. This obnoxious patrolling is not new. However, the media reporting in most circumstances is. In reaction, the U.N. must take in recommendations that address these cruelties in a determination regarding the Corona-virus pandemic.
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