Comment on the effect of the images in stanzas 2 and 3 on the meaning of the poem as a whole(Johannesburg poem).
In stanza two, imagery embodies a failing municipality in Johannesburg, worsening due to the dishonesty and deceits committed by its people. The people are primarily accountable for the subsequent collapse of Johannesburg. "It is around the corner '...time bomb of our own extinction..."
In stanza, three images are of a deteriorating nation; the death of Johannesburg has commenced. "...we are all recession whipped...meaning the economy is failing. '...neither politics nor prayer can guarantee the future..." The political coalitions are not dependable now being that it is a state of trickery and disloyalty can come from any corner. Systems in the city of Johannesburg are now failing '...The walk of uncertainty...'
Generally, the representation of Johannesburg being an expiry and irreparable machine. Always wanting from all its people' keep the money belt spinning...' but giving to only the chosen few '...only the wise come out winning...'.In this condition of a disastrous public, living standards are low 'we just rush to die...'.It is a rotation of individuals misleading one another. The nation's financial standards flop, the same individuals feel pain, and it is the grief that pushes them into trickery, beginning a new cycle ' keep the money belt flowing...'
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