Critically analyse the influence of sensory Motor development on learning and on planning physical education lessons, as well as the difficulties children might experience should they not be provided sufficient exposure to Motor skills. Give reasons for:
1. Visual
2. Proprioceptive
3. Vestibular
Influence of sensory Motor Development on; learning is regular participation on this will help improve the academic performance of a student and also influence memory and attention span of a student in class.
Planning physical education lessons is influenced as it gives importance to the teaching activities and the methods to be used during the lesson by the teacher.
Difficulties children might experience include poor posture, clumsiness, poor balance, perception problems and also difficulties in writing.
1. Visual- head injury, premature problems and sometimes dyslexia
2. Proprioceptive- disorders that affect the proprioceptive system like autism and also injury
3. Vestibular- dysfunction of parts of the central nervous system, viral infections, environmental and genetic factors
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