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Math 58880 52480
Physics 50710 47629
Chemistry 44357 42759
Programming & Computer Science 34330 30918
Economics 34267 33209
English 12729 11462
Biology 9425 8734
Management 8270 7078
Engineering 8082 6895
History 4259 3853
Psychology 2611 2287
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Other 2007 1890
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French 565 528

Questions: 281 843

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We want to calculate the total marks of each student of a class in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and the average marks of the class. The number of students in the class are entered by the user. Create a class named Marks with data members for roll number, name and marks. Create three other classes inheriting the Marks class, namely Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, which are used to define marks in individual subject of each student. Roll number of each student will be generated automatically.

 A population consists of the five measurements 2, 6, 8, 0, and 1.

1. What is the mean and the standard deviation of the population? 

Write a Python program to convert temperatures to and from celsius, fahrenheit.

[ Formula : c/5 = f-32/9 [ where c = temperature in celsius and f = temperature in fahrenheit ]

Expected Output :

60°C is 140 in Fahrenheit

45°F is 7 in Celsius

Write a Python program to convert temperatures to and from celsius, 

Let G be the group of integers under the operation of addition,

and let H = {3k | k ∈ Z}. Is H a subgroup of G

A parallel-plate air capacitor is to store charge of magnitude 240.0 pC on each plate when the

potential difference between the plates is 42.0 V. (a) If the area of each plate is 6.80 cm2

, what is

the separation between the plates? (b) If the separation between the two plates is double the value

calculated in part (a), what potential difference is required for the capacitor to store charge of

magnitude 240.0 pC on each plate?

Prove that the set of complex numbers {1,−1,i,−i} under

multiplication operation is a cyclic group.Find the generators of


The plates of a parallel-plate capacitor are 2.50 mm apart, and each carries a charge of

magnitude 80.0 nC. The plates are in vacuum. The electric field between the plates has a magnitude

of 4.00 X 106 V/m(a) What is the potential difference between the plates? (b) What is the area of

each plate? (c) What is the capacitance?

A thin spherical shell with radius R1 = 3.00 cm is concentric with a larger thin spherical shell

with radius R2 = 5.00 cm. Both shells are made of insulating material. The smaller shell has

charge q1 = +6.00 nC distributed uniformly over its surface, and the larger shell has charge

q2 = - 9.00 nC distributed uniformly over its surface. Take the electric potential to be zero at an

infinite distance from both shells. (a) What is the electric potential due to the two shells at the

following distance from their common center: (i) r = 0; (ii) r = 4.00 cm ; (iii) r = 6.00 cm? (b) What

is the magnitude of the potential difference between the surfaces of the two shells? Which shell is

at higher potential: the inner shell or the outer shell?

A small particle has charge – 5.00 µC and mass 2.00 X 10-4 kg. It moves from point A, where

the electric potential is VA = +2.00 V, to point B, where the electric potential is VB = +8.00 V. The

electric force is the only force acting on the particle. The particle has speed 5.00 m/s at point A.

What is its speed at point B? Is it moving faster or slower at B than at A? Explain.

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