three strategies which unemployed teenaged parents may use to create employment for themselves.
Expert's answer
It is prioritizing policies that promote job creation. Government action will be required to provide the quantity and quality of jobs that we need. We recommend that government policies that support employment and aggregate demand, such as public employment programs, wage and training subsidies, sectoral programs, counter-cyclical fiscal policies, and youth entrepreneurship interventions, be implemented.
They are using skills and labor-market policies to address specific disadvantages faced by young people. Several countries have implemented or expanded measures to improve young people's labor-market integration through targeted interventions. These include labor-market training and work experience programs, job search assistance, and other employment services, many of which can target the most disadvantaged young people to keep them in the labor force.
Forming alliances to increase investments in decent jobs for youth. Combining the strength of international organizations, governments, employers, and workers to implement global policies can make a significant difference. Those as mentioned earlier new Global Initiative for Decent Jobs for Youth will pool existing expertise and expand knowledge on what works for youth employment. It will also serve as a platform for leveraging resources from both existing and new facilities.
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