Based on your review and experience in the community, compare and discuss the difference between ideal behaviours (what people are expected to do) and real behaviour (what people actually do) in the context of a community that you will consider as an example in this assignment. Consider any region, province, or community in South Africa that you have experience with and identify the ideal behaviours and the real behaviours you have been observing in terms of cultural norms in the recent times and while you also discuss behavioural chooses. Moreover, conclude and recommend on how cultural values can influence and leads to functional and dysfunctional behaviours
The citizens in Cape are expected to practice moral behavior especially in matters that concern sex intercourse especially to the unmarried population as they are warned by specialists on the high infection rate of HIV in South Africa and therefore individual must take caution to protect their life and that of their partners. Although youth and women engage in unprotected sex for self enjoyment and financial gains as a result of unemployment that leads to poor living standards. Engaging in sexual behaviors among citizens is against the cultural norms and therefore not acceptable especially among the young generation. To the youths its a behavior chose which they are sure it is against the cultural values resulting to functional and dysfunctional behaviors.
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