Question 4
Discuss the elements of an objective interviewing
process that must be considered during the selection process to ensure that the process runs
smoothly and is free from any form of discrimination
• To compile a list of interview advice
• To improve interviewing abilities
• Handout titled Steps to a Successful Interview one per participant
• Handout titled Interview Scenarios one per every nine participants
• Scissors
Prepare Before
Cut the Interviewer Scenarios handout in half so that each sliver has only one item.
Review the topics from the "Qualities of a Good Interview" class if you have not already. Write five phrases that include the following: What did you take away from this interview? What are some helpful hints for doing your interview?
We're going to start practicing interviews today. Choose a topic as a group. Now think of five questions an interviewer may ask about this subject. Different persons will have the opportunity to be interviewers in this activity. You can use the questions as a guide or come up with your own. Cut out behavior from the "Interviewer Scenarios" handout for each interview. The participant's job is to demonstrate the behavior as naturally as possible on your strip of paper.
Distribute the "Steps to a Successful Interview" handout. As a class, read together. Add any new ideas you've gleaned from today's lesson.
Divide the class into three groups. Give the course a topic for an interview. Each trio should brainstorm five potential interview questions and write them down. The Interviewer will conduct an interview Introduction to the group.
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