how can i WAP to create a web page of online shopping using bootstrap classes.
To create dynamic websites that are primarily designed for mobile devices, Dreamweaver offers Bootstrap startup templates and drag-and-drop Bootstrap components.
Bootstrap is a popular free platform for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript used to develop dynamic websites optimized for mobile devices. The platform contains convenient HTML and CSS templates for buttons, tables, transitions, image carousels, and other elements that can be used on web pages. There are a few additional JavaScript plugins available that help even novice developers create stunning dynamic websites.
Dreamweaver allows you to create Bootstrap documents and edit existing web pages created with Bootstrap. You can open both ready-made Bootstrap and unfinished projects in Dreamweaver, and then edit them not only by modifying the code, but also by using visual features such as interactive browsing, visual CSS constructor, visual media queries, and the Extract tool.
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